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Center for Global Justice Intern – Stockton Brown

Stockton Brown, 3L
Incredible India. Such colors, sari patterns, differing languages for each of the 29 states, intricate dances, music, and delicious food!  And here a few examples of where I have seen such beauty:

In the elderly man’s offer of moon dal (a dried corn kernel snack) on the 14 hour sleeper-train ride at 8:04 am when I needed some sort of breakfast to take with my malaria medicine, at that very time.

In the fields upon fields of sugar cane stretching out to the mountains today that reminded me that God clothes creation with His glory and majesty.

In the rescue of four girls earlier this week from the red light district of a nearby city!!

*Note, the exact location and placement of Stockton’s internship must remain confidential so as to not jeopardize the work taking place.