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Center for Global Justice Intern – Heather Pate

August 5, 2013

The past few days have been full, emotionally and spiritually. My heart seems to have much more intimacy with hurt lately. The people that I am helping are hurting so much, and standing beside them, I feel a minute piece of their hurt. Currently, I am helping organize a symposium regarding child sacrifice that will be held next year. While researching, I typed “child sacrifice” into the Google search bar and the first thing that came up was the very case I am working on. It is the same story I researched before I came to work. All of a sudden, this story of a small boy who fell victim to child sacrifice isn’t just a sad story any more, it is the story of a boy that I have come to know and love. It was the face of a boy that I have danced with and hugged, that I have watched cry and that I have come to love more than anyone else in this whole country. I think this issue has become more real and more serious to me, because I have experienced it first hand and have come to know these families personally.

Last week, we discovered that our case was dismissed a year ago in June. We were very surprised to learn this and there is no explanation as to why it was dismissed thus far. We have been trying to follow-up for the past month on this case and have yet to receive any information. We are praying that God will lead us in the right direct to find justice for him. God said in Proverbs that He upholds the cause of the needy in court and we believe that is yet to come! The child’s attackers are still living in the nearby village, but he and his family have moved. We are praying for justice and more information.

I have no idea what I am doing, but God is so amazing. I do not know Ugandan procedure, and I do not have many contacts, but the Lord keeps showing us the way. I am staying humble as I go, and I am learning a lot from the process and my co-workers. My heart is breaking in the meantime with all that I am learning, especially the lack of justice for these amazing children. I love this work and I am going to be so sad to leave it. Fortunately, I am confident that some work can continue while I am home.

Faith is my Ugandan co-worker and a law student at Uganda Christian University.
She is such a blessing!

Hope is 7 years old. She was bound for 2 years in a shrine when she was a baby. She came to Jesus House (KCM) after she was rescued and is now receive physiotherapy and speech therapy. She is the biggest delight. She has the best smile in all of Jesus House.

Kyampisi Childcare Ministrie’s children’s choir singing on Sunday morning. These beautiful children record and perform songs about child sacrifice, since it is their village that is most affected by this evil. 

Heather Pate, 3L