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Stop Child Trafficking Walk in Hampton Roads

By September 24, 2012Uncategorized

Please join Stop Child Trafficking Now (SCTNow) for an awareness and fundraising walk on Sunday, October 14, 2012, from 1:00-3:00 p.m., on the campus of Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk, VA.

Participants may register at with a $25 donation.  Children are welcome, and ages 12 and under may walk for free (t-shirts may be purchased separately, as available).

SCTNow is a 501(c)3 organization which funds efforts that target the demand side of child sex slavery.  Through awareness, advocacy, and action, SCTNow is leading the way in fighting this terrible crime.  To facilitate action, SCTNow partners with a special investigative team to identify and investigate buyers, as well as with programs that rescue, rehabilitate, and provide assistance to child sex trafficking victims.
For more information, please visit 
Contact Sarah Schulte, Hampton Roads Community Walk Coordinator, at

We hope you will join us as a partner in this fight to stop child trafficking – NOW.