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By Alyssa Schiefer

This summer, the Lord blessed me with an amazing opportunity to serve Him in Strasbourg, France, as an intern with the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ).

I am over halfway done with my internship and already this summer has been full of legal, personal, and spiritual growth. As an intern with the ECLJ, I love the legal work – I get to help bring awareness to issues/current events/court holdings that affect international human rights and I get to advocate for change! So far, I have done research on and written reports for many important areas of interest like religious freedom, the right to family privacy when it comes to homeschooling, euthanasia, and more!

Outside of my time as a legal intern (and my favorite part of my summer experience so far), I have been making friends at church, worshipping together on Sundays with people from all over the world but united in Christ, listening to other peoples’ life stories, experiencing new things about the culture, and embracing the change and differences that come with living abroad.

This post was written by a student at Regent University School of Law. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.