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Post by Fola Soluade

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IJM Intern

International Justice Mission (IJM) embodies the principle of justice.

IJM is a global organization that seeks to protect “people in poverty from violence.”[i] IJM does this by strengthening justice systems, rescuing and restoring victims, bringing criminals to justice, and equipping advocates for protection.

I joined Regent University’s IJM campus chapter during my undergrad because I have passion to see respect and dignity affirmed in everyone as God’s image bearers.

It is an organization that I have always been happy to volunteer for. IJM recently launched its first anti-trafficking program in Central and Eastern Europe with a team based in Romania.

This team is focused on building partnerships and contributing to combatting human trafficking.

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In working “with justice system and community leaders to respond effectively to violence,”[ii] IJM creates lasting change, reform, and mechanisms that best serve victims thus breaking the cycle of violence. This semester one of the projects I have been working on for IJM Romania is comparing structures of criminal justice systems across Europe and their effects on fighting crime. I have specifically been researching how prosecutors’ offices are organized, its goals, and its overall efficiency.

One of the countries that I have been researching is the Netherlands. The main goal of the prosecution offices in the Netherlands is to ensure justice and what one can summarize as due process of law, it describes justice as its core value.[iii]

Further it wants laws to be applied fairly, correctly, and efficiently.[iv] A commitment to be fair and just is an important principle expressed in the Bible, both in the New and Old Testament.

For example, Leviticus 19:15 says, “You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor.” Further, justice is attributed to God, where Psalms 89: 14 says, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne.”

It is encouraging to see such fundamental biblical principles are the foundations of various criminal justice systems, although it may not be the overt intention.

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Student Staff member. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.

[ii] Id.
[iv] Id.