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Update from CGJ Student Staff 1L Joseph Woltmann

By April 17, 2018December 16th, 2019Uncategorized
My name is Joseph Woltmann, and I am currently a 1L student serving as a student staff member for the Center for Global Justice.

Since serving as student staff for the Center for Global Justice, I have been fortunate to work on a project for Shared Hope International.  This project focuses on alternative processes to juvenile delinquency and how each state addresses victims of human trafficking. This project has taught me the importance of alternative processes to delinquency, such as Child in Need of Supervision/Services (CHINS).  Processes like CHINS demonstrate how victims can be recognized by the system and receive specialized services.

Many states have an alternative process which recognize victims; however, not all of these states give victims access to specialized services.  Even without providing access to specialized services, these processes still promote the best interests of the child, which is far better than delinquency processes.
Much progress has been made to aid child victims and states are further progressing in their ability to recognize and treat victims.  For example, some states provide legal alternatives, such as Diversion, to delinquents.  Diversion allows for juveniles convicted of prostitution to be placed in specialized treatment rather than juvenile detention.

This project has taught me much about how each state is unique in its bid to protect and aid child victims.  The first step is recognition, the second: treatment.  Most states have reached the first step, and other states have reached the second step.  States can learn from each other on how to approach victims, and through this mutual learning, victims will be able to receive the best care and treatment.

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.