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Twenty Days of Interns: Daniel Tirle

This summer, 20 Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law interns are spread across four states and ten countries, going not only with the Gospel, but also with legal training and a passion to see the Lord’s justice carried out on a fallen earth.

Daniel interned with People to People Romania, a Christian charity that helps institutionalized and poor children with their basic needs (e.g., food, health care, good quality education) and with opportunities to transition into the workforce once they leave the social system. Daniel, a rising 2L, was primarily responsible for assisting institutionalized young men transition into the workforce and/or college once they finish high school by helping with their applications and securing economic support until they are financially independent–all this, while encouraging these young men to seek and meet the One true Provider of all needs.

Whether fighting sex trafficking in India and Indonesia, advocating against partial-birth abortion in Europe, advancing the rule of law in Uganda, or securing religious freedom in Bulgaria and South Africa, our interns are making a difference.

See where all of our interns are working here >

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