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Intern Update, 6/29/12 (Mr. Seymour: Part 2 of 2)

Intern Update: Mr. Seymour (Part 2 of 2)
*Picture and other information hidden for students safety.

            The first assignment my supervisor issued to me dealt with a list of persecuted Iranian Christians being compiled by our very own ACLJ to present to the U.N. Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran.  My specific assignment was to compare our documented incidents of persecution of Christians in Iran with that compiled by the ACLJ to ensure that all relevant incidents of persecution were represented.  The document will eventually be used to advocate for our Iranian brothers and sisters in Christ and to shed additional light on the persecutions they face because of their faith in Jesus.  I am humbled having been able to contribute and pray that the efforts surrounding work on this issue will bear fruit and that ultimately the Lord’s will be done in any issues with which it’s used.

            The next assignment that I’ve been given deals with the religious persecution of Christians as it relates to education.  Much of my organization’s work involves assisting victims of persecution, challenging the laws, policies and attitudes within Islamic countries, and equipping Christians within the region to face the inevitable persecution that comes because of their faith in our Lord.  Over the next few weeks I’ll be compiling a report on the status of international law and the various human rights covenants, treaties, and agreements as they related to education.  My report will also include a detailed survey of the current practices of specific countries of interest in the MENA region as they relate to education.  And, in addition to several case studies, I’ll provide an over view of the issues faced by Christians in pursuing their education (or often times education for their children) in consultation with Christian leaders within the region to address those challenges.

            Writing that down makes my stomach uneasy.  In the coming days I will need an abundance of Grace to complete this research.  I’m confident that the Lord’s provision will always be there and I pray that I might glorify Him in performing and completing this task.  Before I finish I must, as any wise man would do, give credit where credit is due.  To my wife, who will always be my greatest champion, I love you and in recognition of the sacrifices you’ve made and the work you’ve contributed in seeing this experience to fruition, with all my heart, I thank you.

Until next time,

          – Mr. Seymour, 6/29/12