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Alumni Profile: Ann Buwalda

Many of Regent Law’s 2,500+ alumni are presently working in human rights law or are involved in agencies and organizations dedicated to rescuing the enslaved, trafficked, and oppressed. We hope you enjoy reading the following alumni profiles which represent a small portion of our many alumni literally changing the world.

Ann Buwalda ’90 

Ann Buwalda is dedicated to seeking justice for the oppressed. In 1996, she opened Just Law International, an immigration law firm in the Washington, D.C., area representing businesses and individuals worldwide. Through asylum cases alone, her staff has represented clients from more than 32 countries.

1989, Buwalda launched the United States branch of the Jubilee Campaign. Formed in London in the early 1980s, the Jubilee Campaign aims to promote human rights and religious liberties in countries that imprison, terrorize or otherwise oppress minorities.

Under Buwalda’s direction, the Jubilee Campaign’s U.S. branch advocates for children’s protection and refugee issues, and against religious and political persecution. The organization works to bring international intervention and assistance, which requires some creative and daring work at times.

While the Jubilee Campaign will push for change in law when necessary, Buwalda explains its main mission: “We support and empower partners within countries. We seek out partners who are already doing the work within our mandate and assist them in areas of need.” Currently, Jubilee Campaign partners with organizations in Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Egypt and the Philippines.

Since 1990, Buwalda has participated almost annually at the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Commission and the Human Rights Council in Geneva, where she has given numerous interventions under various categories.

In 2004, she labored with other advocates before Congress to successfully pass the North Korea Freedom Act. In 2005 she testified before the Subcommittee on International Relations concerning North Korean refugees in China. That same year, her work in organizing speakers for a congressional hearing and briefing to free “Kids Behind Bars” in the Philippines led to a change of law to release Philippine children from adult prisons and transfer them to rehabilitation.

Buwalda teaches a course on International Religious Freedom at Regent.

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