Buen dia a todos! (Good day to all of you!) It has been exactly twelve days since my arrival to Mexico City and I’m still adjusting to living here (thankfully, God knows me so well that I work only two blocks away from a Starbucks!). I must admit my time here has not been easy—although I seem to fit right in many ways (I blend right in ethnically and speak fluent Spanish)—as someone from “los Estados Unidos” (the United States), I am still considered a foreigner. In addition, having grown up in the USA, thus knowing much more about U.S. history than any Mexican history, creates some unique perspectives for a Mexican-American, like me.
Mexico City is beautiful in many ways, and bar none, the yummy food sold everywhere could likely keep anyone happy. But, despite the abundance of food, there is so much need all around—not just in reference to physical food—and it is difficult to simply pretend the need does not matter. Despite the countless churches or altars to saints everywhere you look (even on buses), there is so much spiritual oppression and in the name of tolerance, even notorious acceptance of moral deviations from what God’s Word teaches us.
Regarding my first week working for Casa Alianza, I have learned that the legal system is very different; the legal documents that are presented in court have some formality but are not at all close to the strict formality required for U.S. legal documents such as motions or briefs. (No case law is really necessary – only cite the code or law that is applicable.) And, the books used by law students and attorneys in Mexico –wow, they could fit in one backpack, instead of a rolling suitcase—entirely different from the dictionary size casebooks we quite literally learn to bear in the U.S.Casa Alianza is still recovering from fire damage that occurred less than a year ago to its administrative building (which is where I work in their legal department) and the organization system is difficult at times with file records kept in notebooks instead of computer databases. I am working with one attorney and two law students who are working on their master’s program (Mexico’s legal education requirements for attorneys are at undergraduate level, not graduate) and I am trying my best to learn about how Mexico’s legal system works. The lack of resources is also staggering: one phone (for the entire building), one computer for the legal office, no fax, and no copy machine. I’m reminded daily about how incredibly blessed people are in the United States.
The greatest challenge has been to not lose hope. I keep in mind that despair must not ever triumph for those who trust in Him who knows everything and understands beyond what we can ask or imagine. Even when others might think I’m crazy for caring and wanting to make a difference in what seems hopeless in a country like Mexico, I pray God will help me do something to help the vulnerable, abused and abandoned children of Mexico, while I’m here and in the future. Gracias for keeping me, and Mexico’s children, in your prayers!